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Live unique experiences in Italy’s most beloved locations.
Click on the map to start planning your hike or walk, easily finding the ideal facilities along your route. Book online in advance to make the most of your outdoor adventure.
Our facilities
Find your next destination: explore all accommodation options, from refuges to agritourisms, from accommodation along Sentiero Italia (Italy Trail) to B&Bs, along Italy’s hiking trails.
Trails and Routes
Find accommodations along multi-stage hiking routes.
High trails, traverses, tour-routes, loops, and trails refer to multi-day hiking itineraries divided into stages, linking huts and other types of accommodation. These routes can have natural, historical, cultural, or geographical significance. This section lists hiking trails that include at least three accommodations.
Marguareis tour
Alta Via dell'Ossola
Bessanese Tour
Alta Via delle Valli di Lanzo
Ring of the Friulian Dolomites
High Way 6 - High Way of Silences
The Pacific Border Route
Rome Trail
High Way No. 1 Dolomiti
Alta via 2 delle Dolomiti
Do you manage a facility?
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The portal includes CAI and private shelters but also all those facilities that are located on hiking trails, paths or High trails.
CLICK HERE and find out how to register your facility!
Do you want to make a reservation?
Search the facilities, check availability and book your stay along the hiking trails in a few steps.